Implementation and first configuration included, this is a montly subscription for Azure SaaS offer, for yearly offer contact us.

- Dedicated SQL server instance whithin isolated Azure resource group,
- Backup and restore of database 12 months and 4 weeks retentions,
- Unlimited read/write and IP firewall administration,
- Microsoft Defender antivirus for SQL servers.
- Update and maintenance of about 100 permanent reports,
- Azure account in tenant with one PowerBI Pro licence included in your subscription,
- Power automate license included to run perpetual stored procedures,
- Hyperscale level of Azure service with 2 vcores,
- Redondance is RA-GRS Azure (copies your data synchronously three times within a single physical location)
- Administration & support is provided with a guaranteed 48h response time during business days (monday to friday) with a normal priority in the support queue
Once subscribed, you receive a license number by email.